Karmic: occasional no sound at boot up

Mark Fraser ubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Wed Feb 24 16:18:17 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 15:24:23 Knapp wrote:
> I have been getting  a lot of that too but the fallback always works
> unless I have Pulse audio as the lead and then the sound just stops
> working and will not start again without a reboot. Sorry I don't have
> answer but on my system I listed the analog hardware driver first and
> pulse as the fallback.

If I try to select Pulseaudio when the default driver isn't working I still 
get no sound. I have noticed that the startup sound still plays even though 
Phonon isn't and other system sounds won't play.

Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org

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