Karmic: occasional no sound at boot up

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Tue Feb 23 16:45:15 UTC 2010

Le Tuesday 23 February 2010 17.03:57 Mark Fraser, vous avez écrit (you wrote) 
> Occasionally when I turn my computer on, I will get a pop up appear saying 
> that it couldn't find any sound drivers. Shutting down and then rebooting
>  gets  the sound back, but it is getting annoying!
Me too   (Ah...another of those me too's)		;O)

Actually I have both NVidia and PulseAudio and only NVidias seems to be 
occasionally missing, and the pop up asks whether this driver should be 
ignored forever.

I will follow this thread with interest.

Greetings		Perry

BOFH excuse #272: Netscape has crashed

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