Nepomuk and Akonadi

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Sat Feb 20 06:28:44 UTC 2010

On Saturday 20 February 2010, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 04:02:45 pm Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> > I suspect the last two are related to timing issues. I have
> > session management  on and kontact is autostarted via that. I
> > presume at that stage the akonadi is not running. I'll try
> > adding it to autostart after this.
> Bingo! that did the trick. I added '/usr/bin/akonadictl start' to
> SystemSettings|AutoStart and now no more error dialogs and kontact
> is using akonadi fine.
> Bit of a hack as Kontact is meant to auto start akonadi itself,
> but it will do for now. I'm just wondering if I should report
> this on launchpad or upstream at

If you read the userbase link properly, you'll find that this is a 
known bug. The developer just isn't clear as to why it's happening...

You may want to search for the bug at and report your 
experience or at least vote for the bug...


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