Nepomuk and Akonadi

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Sat Feb 20 00:22:47 UTC 2010

On Saturday 20 February 2010, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 06:07:43 am Mark Greenwood wrote:
> > You don't need Akonadi.. it never starts on my system but KMail
> > etc all work. Just use the old fashioned flat-file stuff. I
> > don't know how you configure it now because I did it a while
> > ago.
> True ... I'm just trying to work with KDE the way the developers
> intended. Its just disappointing to see major functionality in a
> full release essentially broken and unusable.

Just out of curiosity: did you stumble across ? It contains a few suggestions what 
to do e.g. in case of apparmor trouble.
I didn't do a clean install, but after a normal upgrade and doing 
what the aforementioned site suggested regarding nepomuk, I seem to 
have no relevant trouble with regards to akonadi, kmail, kontact or 
anything else for that matter. Even the compositing support is once 
again fast enough on my intel onboard graphics card. I find it a bit 
strange that a clean install should yield more problems than an 
upgrade (forced via some beta version since some genius committed 
that to the kde backports repo).

Did you try creating a new user to make sure that it isn't some weird 
upgrade-related config problem with your user account?

PS: KDE x.x.0 releases tend to be somewhat unstable, which is why I'm 
so pleasantly surprised by this one.

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