After upgrade to KDE 4.4, I cannot open Kaddressbook

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Feb 16 15:33:28 UTC 2010

> Dotan, I'm not sure if what I did made any difference, so I'd like to see if it
> helps you.
> run:  chmod 1777 /var/lib/mysql
> (gives it permissions like the /temp directory)

Actually, that directory did not exist here, nor does it exist on my
test system that has a working Kaddressbook. However, creating it and
giving it those permissions did not help.

> After doing this and killing all the akonadi processes and quitting out of all
> the kontact apps, I was able to restart and get into my address book and
> calendar.
> You may want to just kill all the akonadi processes and mysql parts and
> restart the kaddress book app and see if that alone fixes it.

I am killing everything that looks relevant, alas, no help.

Dotan Cohen

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