No desk top computer?

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Sat Feb 13 10:58:15 UTC 2010

Steve Lamb wrote:
>      For your stated purpose *if* you want the machine to be mobile and the 
> machine is solely for productivity and not gaming then you should be fine. 
> However, if space is the primary concern and you don't see the machine as 
> being all that mobile but you want to reduce the footprint on the desk itself 
> consider the Meerkat or Meerkat Ion from System76.
No, no gaming required. As far as I am concerned the phrase 'board 
games' should be written 'bored games'. Just not interested.

Thanks, I will have a look at that.

>      Bonus points for Ubuntu being preloaded (so you know they're compatible 
> with KUbuntu which is a "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" away) and for 
> giving your business to a company dedicated to Linux.
Haven't used Windows for years.


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