No desk top computer?

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Fri Feb 12 23:09:49 UTC 2010

Alvin wrote:
> I sell computers to business users. Mostly servers and it's not my main
> business, so we're not talking about great numbers here.
> My personal experience and opinion:
> - Your battery will die quickly
> - Your battery *will die* quickly
> - A battery is expensive. Desktop users don't have to pay that
> - Your notebook will die a lot quicker than your desktop
> - It's hard to find a notebook of decent quality. In fact, my main
> supplier stopped selling notebooks for exactly that reason, despite a
> rising demand.
> It's great if you need a /portable computer/. In my house, I rarely need
> that. I have one, but it's packed and ready for it's 5th repair now.
> (I'm trying to get it repaired for 2 weeks now.)
> My colleague had more luck in finding a notebook of decent quality and
> uses it at home and abroad. For home use only, notebooks aren't worth
> the trouble.
Thanks for your answer. I understand what you are saying but ....

I am suggesting replacing my desktop computer with a laptop **used in 
effect as a desktop**. In other words, it would mostly be used only in 
the house and almost always plugged into the mains. Battery life would 
almost be irrelevant.

The main reason being that it would not take up so  much space in the 
spare bedroom as my desktop does now. I could get rid of the desk etc 
which take up so much room. And, if necessary, (eg when a guest is using 
the bedromm) it could be used in another room. Hence the hints and 
comments from her indoors.


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