kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 28

MALLAMIBRO mallamibro at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 21:54:18 UTC 2010

Hi all,
I received an Ubuntu CD sometimes last year, it has now become
scratched and unusable.
My PC crashed and i had to install MS WIN XP,I have made a request to
kubuntu.org since last year but it seems the queue is long.
I am stuck with MSWIN which is I no more find comfortable with its bugs.
I use a DialUp connection, so downloding an iso image is out of the question.
Anyone know where i request for another copy of the CD?
I really enjoyed Ubuntu and i feel uncomfortable now using XP.
Any help will be appreciated.
Ibrahim Oyekanmi

On 2/11/10, kubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com
<kubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Send kubuntu-users mailing list submissions to
> 	kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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> 	kubuntu-users-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of kubuntu-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Hardware data collection (Knapp)
>    2. Re: Hardware data collection (Alvin)
>    3. Re: User Management and Kopete in KDE4.4 (Alvin)
>    4. Re: Strange Konqueror Problem (Reinhold Rumberger)
>    5. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (O. Sinclair)
>    6. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Myriam Schweingruber)
>    7. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Alvin)
>    8. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Georgi Kourtev)
>    9. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Jonas Norlander)
>   10. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Melissa Weber Mendonca)
>   11. Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4 (Mark Greenwood)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:40:39 +0100
> From: Knapp <magick.crow at gmail.com>
> Subject: Hardware data collection
> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<f495db581002110240h1e8121d1j44d55a18af448eef at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I need to know things like what motherboard, graphics card etc a
> computer has. What programs are good for getting this info. I thought
> there was something that was standard but I can't find it. Maybe the
> was kde3?
> --
> Douglas E Knapp
> Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.
> http://sf-journey-creations.wikispot.org/Front_Page
> http://code.google.com/p/perspectiveproject/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:57:40 +0100
> From: Alvin <info at alvin.be>
> Subject: Re: Hardware data collection
> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <201002111157.42025.info at alvin.be>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:40:39 Knapp wrote:
>> I need to know things like what motherboard, graphics card etc a
>> computer has. What programs are good for getting this info. I thought
>> there was something that was standard but I can't find it. Maybe the
>> was kde3?
> The program you're looking for (kinfocenter) has been ported to kde4.
> On the other hand, # lshw will tell you everything you want to know.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:46:13 +0100
> From: Alvin <info at alvin.be>
> Subject: Re: User Management and Kopete in KDE4.4
> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <201002111246.14966.info at alvin.be>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:04:12 Alvin wrote:
>> I just upgraded to KDE4.4
>> - Kopete no longer works (crash)
> One down!
> The solution: # aptitude purge kopete-facebook
> Kopete works again. Facebook chat is no longer needed. They support XMPP
> now.
>> - System Settings -> Advanced -> User Management no longer works (crash)
> No idea why User Management isn't working. I always use the command line
> tools
> anyway, but I don't like crashes. Is it python again?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:28:55 +0100
> From: Reinhold Rumberger <rrumberger at web.de>
> Subject: Re: Strange Konqueror Problem
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <201002111128.56559.rrumberger at web.de>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Thursday 11 February 2010, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Reinhold Rumberger
> <rrumberger at web.de> wrote:
>> > You're completely misreading the situation as well as having no
>> > clue what he's actually doing. Konqueror bundles websites with
>> > their resources (pictures, etc.) into a specially structured
>> > tar file, which it calls "war". The fact that this extension is
>> > also used in java environments to bundle web applications is
>> > purely coincidental.
> First of all, I'd like you to know that I'm sorry for the tone of my
> reply - I was under a lot of stress at the time and should really
> have thought twice about answering.
>> Thanks, Reinhold, I did not know that.  How very unfortunate that
>> KDE chose to use a well established extension like .war to mean
>> something totally different.  I guess there are only so many 3
>> letter extensions, and maybe not a lot of Java developers in the
>> KDE team.
> I completely agree on this matter. Ironically the .war means "Web
> ARchive" in both instances. The one major difference between the two
> is that the .war in a java environment is a zip file, while the
> Konqueror website archive is a gzipped tar.
> But it definitely is confusing...
>   --Reinhold
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:01:30 +0200
> From: "O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4B73F19A.5020107 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Alvin wrote:
>> On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:24:13 Georgi Kourtev wrote:
>>>>> You probably need only to wait a bit until the repository is complete.
>>>> I have a feeling that the announcement was a bit premature (I mean SC
>>>> 4.4 ready for installation). I checked via aptitude from command line
>>>> and when I saw the suggestions I said "no thanks" and opted out. Loads
>>>> of kept back packages, packages to be removed etc.
>>> Thanks. Any ideas how I can make two of my machines back to work?
>> The announcement might have been a bit premature, but now it looks like
>> everything is there. There were no blocked packages for me and nothing was
>> removed.
>> Two machines? Never update a spare machine until you are sure :-)
>> Just try updating again:
>> $ sudo aptitude update
>> $ sudo aptitude full-upgrade
> I still get 119 conflicts.... so am staying put
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:13:14 +0100
> From: Myriam Schweingruber <myriam at kubuntu.org>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: o.sinclair at gmail.com, 	Kubuntu user technical support
> 	<kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<c34709021002110613j5e77fbfbh20aa13eb42a4cff5 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi all,
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 13:01, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Alvin wrote:
>>> On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:24:13 Georgi Kourtev wrote:
>>>>>> You probably need only to wait a bit until the repository is complete.
>>>>> I have a feeling that the announcement was a bit premature (I mean SC
>>>>> 4.4 ready for installation). I checked via aptitude from command line
>>>>> and when I saw the suggestions I said "no thanks" and opted out. Loads
>>>>> of kept back packages, packages to be removed etc.
>>>> Thanks. Any ideas how I can make two of my machines back to work?
>>> The announcement might have been a bit premature, but now it looks like
>>> everything is there. There were no blocked packages for me and nothing
>>> was
>>> removed.
>>> Two machines? Never update a spare machine until you are sure :-)
>>> Just try updating again:
>>> $ sudo aptitude update
>>> $ sudo aptitude full-upgrade
>> I still get 119 conflicts.... so am staying put
> The recommended way to install version upgrades is to use apt-get:
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> For some reason unknown to me the aptitude full-upgrade command
> doesn't work here.
> Regards, Myriam
> --
> Protect your freedom and join the Fellowship of FSFE:
> http://www.fsfe.org
> Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
> use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:25:27 +0100
> From: Alvin <info at alvin.be>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4B741357.3020002 at alvin.be>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On 11/02/2010 15:13, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> The recommended way to install version upgrades is to use apt-get:
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>> For some reason unknown to me the aptitude full-upgrade command
>> doesn't work here.
> You should do some research about why it is not working for you.
> >From http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkgtools.en.html
>> Note that aptitude is the preferred program for package management from
>> console both for package installations and package or system upgrades.
> I'm always using aptitude. The graphical package managers in Kubuntu
> have a history of 'not-working'. (And even if they would be working
> great, I'd still use aptitude or apt-get.)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 16:24:09 +0200
> From: Georgi Kourtev <gkourtev at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Cc: o.sinclair at gmail.com
> Message-ID: <201002111624.10425.gkourtev at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
>> The recommended way to install version upgrades is to use apt-get:
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>> For some reason unknown to me the aptitude full-upgrade command
>> doesn't work here.
>> Regards, Myriam
> Myriam,
> This seems a good suggestions.  Meanwhile, I removed klipper and plasma-
> desktop, run aptutude ubdate and upgrade, then installed back klipper and
> plasma-desktop, and now it works. I'll check Miriam suggestions on my other
> machine.
> gk
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 16:11:39 +0100
> From: Jonas Norlander <jonorland at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<b8d784881002110711w3a6b17f8mbf39d98be6201600 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 11 February 2010 15:24, Georgi Kourtev <gkourtev at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The recommended way to install version upgrades is to use apt-get:
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>>> For some reason unknown to me the aptitude full-upgrade command
>>> doesn't work here.
>>> Regards, Myriam
>> Myriam,
>> This seems a good suggestions. ?Meanwhile, I removed klipper and plasma-
>> desktop, run aptutude ubdate and upgrade, then installed back klipper and
>> plasma-desktop, and now it works. I'll check Miriam suggestions on my
>> other
>> machine.
>> gk
> Something i have noticed is that every time there is a upgrade of KDE
> (4.1.x to 4.2.x, 4.2 to 4.3 and so on) plasma started to crash a lot,
> the solution for me has always been to remove the plasma configuration
> files. Last night I upgraded to KDE 4.4 and plasma started to chrash
> even after a reboot. I deleted the config files and now it runs fine.
> Many of the widgets don't look to be able to handle a upgrade to,
> deleting theirs config files make them work again.
> I thinkt that plasma and its widgets should handle upgrades better then they
> do.
> / Jonas
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:01:58 -0200
> From: Melissa Weber Mendonca <melissawm at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <201002111401.58468.melissawm at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"
> I had exactly the same problem and found that exactly the same solution
> worked. However, Choqok keeps crashing on me and some python based apps
> don't
> work (for me, backintime, my backup manager, does not work...)
> I'll be patiently waiting for upgrades, but I agree, it looks like a beta,
> not
> a finished product.
> Just my two cents...
> Melissa
> Em Quinta-feira 11 Fevereiro 2010, ?s 13:11:39, Jonas Norlander escreveu:
>> Something i have noticed is that every time there is a upgrade of KDE
>> (4.1.x to 4.2.x, 4.2 to 4.3 and so on) plasma started to crash a lot,
>> the solution for me has always been to remove the plasma configuration
>> files. Last night I upgraded to KDE 4.4 and plasma started to chrash
>> even after a reboot. I deleted the config files and now it runs fine.
>> Many of the widgets don't look to be able to handle a upgrade to,
>> deleting theirs config files make them work again.
>> I thinkt that plasma and its widgets should handle upgrades better then
>> they do.
>> / Jonas
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:26:56 +0000
> From: Mark Greenwood <fatgerman at ntlworld.com>
> Subject: Re: Issues installing KDE 4.4
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <201002112126.57251.fatgerman at ntlworld.com>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"
> On Thursday 11 Feb 2010 14:24:09 Georgi Kourtev wrote:
>> >
>> > The recommended way to install version upgrades is to use apt-get:
>> >
>> > sudo apt-get update
>> >
>> > sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>> >
>> > For some reason unknown to me the aptitude full-upgrade command
>> > doesn't work here.
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards, Myriam
>> Myriam,
>> This seems a good suggestions.  Meanwhile, I removed klipper and plasma-
>> desktop, run aptutude ubdate and upgrade, then installed back klipper and
>> plasma-desktop, and now it works. I'll check Miriam suggestions on my
>> other
>> machine.
>> gk
> I'm glad I read this before I did the upgrade.. after I did it I rebooted to
> a blank desktop. Even Ctrl-Alt-F4 didn't get me to a terminal. Luckily I was
> able to run Konsole by pressing Alt-F2. I found out that plasma-desktop
> wasn't even installed! How on earth did *that* happen?
> Now, can anybody tell me how I stop KDE from starting Akonadi every time I
> run KMail? I'm not using it and it takes an age.
> Also, why do I keep getting a popup that tells me the Nepomuk isn't running?
> I *know* it isn't running, I disabled the blooming thing on purpose!
> Mark
> ------------------------------
> --
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> kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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> End of kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 28
> *********************************************

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