USB memory stick - what a contrast

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Thu Feb 11 08:24:12 UTC 2010

David Fletcher wrote:
> I don't get this. I'm also running Hardy on a desktop machine.
> I've got various makes of USB flash drives in various capacities. Plug in any 
> of them and it works i.e. Hardy offers to open up the drive in a new 
> Konqueror window and it does. I can then drag files to/from it.
> I've got an iRiver T60 music player. Plug it in, it offers to mount, and I can 
> copy files to it. Actually, I use rsync to update this one - it works better.
> SD and CF cards plugged into a very cheap USB reader/writer - they work the 
> same as the USB drives.
> Cameras - Fuji S9600, Fuju E900 and Pentax K-7 can all be plugged in and they 
> all "Just Work".
> So, what's going on with the OP? What's the difference?
> I'm running the 32 bit version. I tried to use the 64 bit Hardy installer but 
> it wouldn't run on my hardware. Maybe I'll have better luck when Lucid comes 
> out.
> Is the OP running Hardy 64 bit? Just wondering what the difference is.
> Dave
No, I am running 32 bit. It must be some sort of problem with my machine?


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