KOrganizer cannot add items

Georgi Kourtev gkourtev at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 11:21:57 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 09 February 2010 12:56:50 Alvin wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 10:51:08 Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> > Friends,
> >
> > I am trying to start using the calendar in KOrginizer more.  However,
> > every time I am trying to add an appointment for example, I got message
> > that 'No resources found, item cannot be added'. I have the same message
> > if I place an alarm through KAlarm and click on 'Show in KOrganizer'
> > option.
> >
> > Any idea on what causes this?  Thanks.
> You have to add resources to KDE-resources or Akonadi first. (The
> location/service of your calendar)
> You can find the legacy KDE Resources in Systems Settings. You can also
>  find Akonadi Settings there, unless you use the KDE 4.4 RC. It was hidden
>  by upstream due to users being too stupid to add resources to Akonadi
>  without destroying said resources.
I did the following:

1. In the KDE resources added Akonadi for calendar (still is not added for 
address book though, which I am not sure should be touched... I am sort of a 
newbi on that).

2. Checked in System setting that Akonadi is working.  The only error message 
I got is that QtSQL driver is not installed... So what? 

3. Restarted Kontact. Now I can add items, but have message from Akonadi 
"sdt.ics The calendar not loaded". 

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