Thunderbird 3.1a1PRE

William Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Sun Feb 7 23:50:55 UTC 2010

On 07/02/10 05:18, Tom Bell wrote:
>  I checked the KPackageKit program and upgraded to Thunderbird
> 3.1.whatever.  It is shown as Shredder 3.1a1PRE and none of the
> extensions for Thunderbird work with it.  I am curious if this KDE's way
> of sabotaging users of Thunderbird.  When I try to check on addons it
> takes me to the normal Thunderbird page for addons.  There is nothing
> there that is compatible with this version of Thunderbird if it is a
> version of Thunderbird.
> There doesn't seem to be a middle ground between the 2.0 version I had
> and the new 3.1a1PRE.  Maybe I missed something along the way, but
> currently I can not find a version somewhere between the two in the
> sources.  As far as I am aware, I don't use any development sources in
> the repositories.
> Suggestions???
> Thank you!
> Tom

hi, i compile and install thunderbird from source every 2 weeks for
testing, currently replying to this email from:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20100122

the name shredder is just mozilla's way of naming pure development
versions of products. they call this thunderbird "shredder", they call
firefox "minefield", etc...

KDE has nothing to do with this, this is all mozilla, you must have some
development repository enabled to get this version.

regarding addons, most have no yet migrated to 3.0, and those who did,
are compatible with 3.0, not 3.1.
there are ways of disabling compatibility checks, using the config
editor. i won't go into any details, as needless to say, a copy/paste
without understanding, can result in nasty results to other users, but
here's the link of how to do it if interested:

thunderbird3 is not in ubuntu repositories, hence the lack of middle
version, but if you have some development repo, that where you got it
from. you can use:
apt-cache show packagename
and get a hint of where it came from.

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
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