Disable laptop touchpad

Neil Winchurst barnaby at drofle.com
Tue Feb 2 08:58:52 UTC 2010

O. Sinclair wrote:

> To get a menu in System Settings "mouse keyboard" area for touchpad go here:
> https://launchpad.net/~mishaaq/+archive/ppa/+packages
> add the ppa for Jaunty (it will still work) and install the kcmtouchpad 
> package. You can now set the sensitivity of the touchpad to avoid the 
> incidental "tapping" or switch it off etc etc from System Settings
> Sinclair
Well, as I said, I now have it working using synclient. But I will
certainly look at the above mentioned site. Thanks for the help.

And, referring to comments on this thread about having used computers
for a long time, I first got involved with computers in 1962 (not a
typo, yes 1962) so I guess I beat most of you.


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