Disable laptop touchpad

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Tue Feb 2 05:44:53 UTC 2010

It would appear that on Feb 1, Gene Heskett did say:

> On Monday 01 February 2010, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> >On Monday 01 February 2010, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> >Ctl-Z  is your friend in those cases.
> >>
> >> For vim?
> >
> >Hey, I'm an old fart....   but I would never use vim for much of anything.
> >
> I probably have you beat, Bruce.  I'm 75. :)
> >I am sure vim must have an 'undo' somewhere.
> It probably does, but its depth of undo may also be limited.  I can usually 
> fix my typu's without needing that, so it use isn't second nature.  And then 
> of course someone here, reading this is bound to quote that old saw about old 
> dogs & new tricks.  Shrug.  I've been using vi, or a clone of it, for at 
> least 30 years.

It certainly does Gene... And I hate to say it but if you've been using the
old vi for that long your gonna hate yourself... vim is mostly compatible
with vi. But it does have some improvements. and the undo is one of them.

With old vi you had single level undo using by default the "u" (from
command mode of course). And if I remember correctly if you hit it a second
time it undid the undo right? Well I'm not certain if this is one of the
things that compatibility mode affects, but the normal default behavior
for "u" in vim is a multi-level undo that can usually back you all the way
up to the state the file was in when you began editing the file. An
exception to that would be if you had already backed up part way and then
made new changes... Because vim's "u" is no longer a toggle they bind ^R to
the multi-level redo function.

Since you've been using vi for so long though, I think I should mention
that even though I don't find this in a current man vim, I remember that
when I was first switching to vim from vi, I had to replace my existing
~/.exrc with a nearly identical ~/.vimrc to stop vim from assuming I wanted
compatibility mode... So if you have an old style ~/.exrc, it might be why
you didn't know "u" was a multi-level undo in vim.

It would appear that on Feb 1, Bruce Marshall did continue the discussion:

> I know just enough vi to know how to use it when I have to.   But ditch it at 
> the first opportunity....

Careful Bruce it only takes a few comments like that to start another of
those infamous {editor of choice} holy wars... And I doubt that anybody wants
more of that. Probably not even those dog gone emacs users... ;-7

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

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