Disable laptop touchpad

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Feb 1 22:15:04 UTC 2010

On Monday 01 February 2010, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>On Monday 01 February 2010, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >Ctl-Z  is your friend in those cases.
>> For vim?
>Hey, I'm an old fart....   but I would never use vim for much of anything.
I probably have you beat, Bruce.  I'm 75. :)

>I am sure vim must have an 'undo' somewhere.

It probably does, but its depth of undo may also be limited.  I can usually 
fix my typu's without needing that, so it use isn't second nature.  And then 
of course someone here, reading this is bound to quote that old saw about old 
dogs & new tricks.  Shrug.  I've been using vi, or a clone of it, for at 
least 30 years.

Call it CRS, oldtimers, whatever.  I'm above ground, not in jail, and I woke 
up this morning, what more can I ask for?  Morning wood is out of the 
question cuz I'm also diabetic.  Sniff... 


Cheers, Gene
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