Karmic 9.10: plasma problem with xrdp (was: Karmic 9.10: xrdp weird colors)

Mirto Silvio Busico mirtosilvio.busico at fastwebnet.it
Mon Feb 1 14:56:20 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I've tracked down the problem.

xrdp installs fine in kubuntu 9.10 and works well out of the box.

There are visualizations problems:

    * the windows decotations are unreadable; workaround use keramic
      windows decoration: the border is still a mess but the title is
    * the k menu is nureadable (white text on white background);
      workaround switch to the classic style
    * the panel on the bottom of the screen is a mess: I can see only
      the icons

It seems that the couple xrdp/plasma cannot waork if plasma uses gradients.

Anyone knows a plasma theme (or how to create a plasma theme) that uses 
solid colors?


Mirto Silvio Busico ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use xrdp on a Kubuntu 9.10 64 bit.
> I was able to install xrdp (which selected vnc4server) and it works.
> But connecting to the server (I tried Windows Remote Desktop and KDE 
> kdrc with the same results) the client shows poor colors (invisible 
> nesus: white on white) and corrupted windows decoration and system panel.
> Googling around I found only:
>    * the client have to be setup tu use 24bit colors: tried; nothing
>      changes
>    * in /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini there can be problems with bitmap
>      compression. I tried "bitmap_compression=yes" (the default) and
>      "bitmap_compression=no"; but nothing changes
> And if you ask, yes I rebooted the machine and restarted xrdp after 
> every change.
> What can I do?
> Anyone was able to use xrdp on karmic?
> Thanks
>    Mirto

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