Meaning of "This file uses advanced permissions"?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Fri Dec 31 17:39:38 UTC 2010

Reinhold Rumberger said the following at 12/29/2010 09:24 PM :
>> Being a mostly-command-line guy I expected to see obvious differences in
>> the output from "ls -al" and "lsattr" (I expect that all the GUI stuff is
>> just essentially some kind of wrapper for these commands; that's often the
>> case). But there's no obvious difference at all.
> You can try to see whether the effective permissions for your user actually 
> give you access. You can also try to remove acl support for the file system. 
> In /etc/fstab, remove the acl option, if there is one.

1. Yes, I have access. I tried copying one of the files with the advanced
permissions and which amarok won't play, and it copied fine.

2. There is no acl anywhere option in /etc/fstab.

I guess I'll try a "chmod -R 644" and see if that changes the behaviour
when amarok tries to play these files.



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