Opening Nautilus changes KDE plasma desktop to Gnome desktop

Isak Enström isak.enstrom at
Tue Dec 28 23:13:23 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 28 December 2010 21.36.19 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 22:11, Isak Enström <isak.enstrom at> wrote:
> > You could try starting Nautilus frome the terminal with the command
> > "nautilus --no-desktop --browser" (can't remember if it's supposed to be
> > two dashes or one)
> Thanks, Isak, I will give that a try.

If it's working you might want to change the Exec line in 
/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop (unless there already exists a 
nautilus-no-desktop file there, or if you have multiple desktop environments 

// Isak

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