CPU frequency options in KDE Power Management (PowerDevil)

xPol xtekhne at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 21:49:03 UTC 2010

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

> Hi
> my laptop CPUs can support CPU frequency scaling (tested in the 
past); I
> also installed cpufrequtils; but in PowerDevil (the Power Management
> dialog of KDE) CPU frequency scaling options are not shown... only
> "Enable system power saving" in the "CPU and System" dialog (of edit
> profiles).

You can set the preferred profile: left click on power management 
widget, that green battery icon n the systen tray. 
I am used to set the 'powersave' profile, to keep the frequency at the 
lowest level, thus keeping the cpu from high very temperature values.

You can also customize profiles, (yet fixing frequency values is not 
allowed) by clicking on 'configure power management', on the right side 
of the power management panel.


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