How do you get Blender thumbnails to work in KDE?
magick.crow at
Thu Dec 23 00:44:13 UTC 2010
>>> I am not sure if I am getting a bug or if I have not understood how
>>> this works. I am running Kubuntu 10.10 current SVN Blender 2.5 64 bit
>>> I have found in preferences where it says thumbnails and have turned
>>> that on. I have rendered and saved a blend using the default cube but
>>> even when reloading my blend using Blender I get no thumbnails and I
>>> don't see any with Dolphin ether. Help? Or bug?
>>> Thanks
>> Kubuntu is KDE, Ubuntu is GNOME. It seems their thumb handlers aren't
>> compatible.
> So file a bug?
No, ./release/bin/ is just a script which
extracts thumbnails from blend files.
For gnome to use this to generate thumbs you have to run...
gconftool --type boolean --set
/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application at x-blender/enable true
gconftool --type string --set
/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application at x-blender/command
" %i %o"
So for KDE's Dolphin I expect there is an equivalent command, just
need to research how their thumbnails are generated and stored.
So anyone here know the KDE answer? Thanks!
Douglas E Knapp
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