No list of users in KDM

Mark Fraser ubuntu at
Fri Dec 17 17:11:15 UTC 2010

On Friday 17 Dec 2010 14:26:41 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Kubuntu 10.10, KDE 4.6  beta2. Although the "Show List" option in
> System Settings -> Login Screen -> Users is checked, and two users
> have checkmarks beside them, and "Inverse Selection" is unchecked, and
> Convenience -> Auto-Login is unchecked, there still is not shown a
> list of users when KDM appears. What else needs to be set?
> Thanks.

I think you need to change the theme to Oxygen after installing the package 
kdebase-workspace-wallpapers if it isn't already installed.

If this doesn't work, I can email you my kdmrc that works here.

Registered Linux User #466407
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