How to download Opera to Kubuntu 8.04 LTS?
info at
Tue Dec 14 08:52:23 UTC 2010
On Saturday 11 December 2010 00:13:04 Larry Alkoff wrote:
> I would like to add Opera to this computer
> and have downloaded opera_10.63.6450_i386.deb.
> When I try to load the file with:
> sudo dpkg -i opera_10.63.6450_i386.deb
> I get complaints that
> gstreamer0.10-plugins-good is not installed
> and the installation stops.
> There doesn't seem to be any such package in the repositories when I invoke
> aptitude -vv show
> which usually works to give information about a package in the
> repositories.
> How can I install Opera?
It's in main (maverick):
$ aptitude show gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
So, just run:
$ sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
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