How to import bookmarks to Kubuntu 8.04

Tom Bell cbell44 at
Sat Dec 11 01:02:44 UTC 2010

On 12/10/2010 5:54 PM, Larry Alkoff wrote:
> I maintain two 8.04 LTS computers, one in the US and the other in a
> foreign country.  I have never sorted the bookmarks so they are in the
> original order on both computers.
> How can I update the US computer with the latest bookmarks from the
> foreign computer?
> In the past I have simply taken the next bookmark after the last one on
> the foreign computer (taken from a backup disk), and copyied that
> bookmark to firefox on the US computer, then loaded and bookmarked it.
> Repeat as many times as necessary.
> This is kind of cumbersome.
> Is there a better way?
> Larry Alkoff
Yes, get the addon for Firefox, Sync.
Good luck!


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