cant login to operating system

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Dec 10 19:39:03 UTC 2010

2010/12/9 shawn wilson < at>:
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:37 AM, rajubhai ramvani <rajuramvani at>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 6:48 PM, rajubhai ramvani <rajuramvani at>
>> wrote:
>>> dear sir,
>>>     i installed kubuntu operating system 10.04 in my pc. and my username
>>> is rajuramvani and password is 123456789 .but i cant login in my pc .when i
>>> login my username is displaying and when i typed my password.then after i
>>> press the enter display is restarting and asking same username and
>>> password.i tried oftenly  but this problem not solve so please advise me
>>> which is other procedure for  login .and solve this problem.
>>> rajuramvani.
> you have two choices, you can reinstall or you can recover. reinstall is
> straight forward. if you want to recover;
> 1.grab a boot cd (any linux boot cd should work).
> 2. go to the console.
> 3. mount your primary hdd.
> 4. chroot /mountpoint
> 5 passwd
> 6 enter new pass, reboot
> alternatively, you can substitute step 4 for modifying pam, removing the
> password field from your passwd file and you won't have any password for
> that user.

Before doing such drastic thing, try to figure out whats getting wrong
first. My guess is that X or KDM are crashing. After a failed login
switch to tty1 by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 and try login from the console.
If that works look at the logs /var/log/Xorg.0.log and
~/.xsession-errors to see if there are any obvious errors in theme.

/ Jonas

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