
Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Sat Dec 4 10:30:41 UTC 2010

On Saturday 04 December 2010 04:46:38 Reinhold Rumberger wrote:
> Actually, you're using activities - that option simply creates a different
> activity for each desktop. A pretty annoying "feature" as it uses enormous
> amounts of resources and you have to maintain the widgets for each desktop
> separately (each widget uses it's own share of RAM and CPU, making the
> desktop *really* slow in the long run).

Are you saying that it uses (significantly) more resources to have X number of 
VD's with each their Activity, wallpaper and set of Widgets, than to use only 
one desktop with X number of Activities and each their wallpaper and set of 

Best regards / med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

Dropbox and my thumb drive had an epic battle. Dropbox won.
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