NVIDIA driver causes kernel freeze

Steve Morris samorris at netspace.net.au
Wed Aug 25 05:36:23 UTC 2010

On 25/08/10 15:13, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 10:44 +1000, Steve Morris wrote:
>> On 25/08/10 05:53, Thomas Olsen wrote: 
>>> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>         On Tue, 2010-08-24 at 15:11 +0200, Thomas Olsen wrote:
>>>         > Actually I have no problems booting up with the nouveau
>>>         driver now
>>>         > except that it's so damn slow.
>>>         > After reading my mail again I can see that I wasn't being
>>>         quite clear.
>>>         > I'd like to see if the binary driver is faster but as it
>>>         freezes the
>>>         > kernel I wanted to ask if this was a known bug and if
>>>         there's a way to
>>>         > get around it.
>>>         I have several nvidia video cards on machines that are older
>>>         than yours.
>>>         Nary a hiccup in the barrel. It did take several tries with
>>>         the
>>>         "hardware drivers" app to finally get it to work though.
>>>         Nouveau is a
>>>         ways off to become a replacement for the stock nvidia
>>>         driver. I don't
>>>         have the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package installed. I
>>>         think I ran
>>>         into a conflict with it early in my fresh install of Lucid.
>>>         Ric
>>> Well maybe I should try to purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau and
>>> before I install the binary because kern.log looked like parts of
>>> nouveau was being loaded. Hmm. I'll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks.
>>> BTW: In xorg.conf do you user Driver "nvidia" or "nv"?
>> In xorg.conf to use the proprietary nvidia driver you  need     Driver
>> "nvidia", the "nv" driver is non-accelerated precursor to "nouveau".
>> The slowness you are experiencing is due to the nouveau driver not
>> using hardware acceleration which is also required for some
>> games/software. I am using the proprietary driver without any problems
>> but I had to start with an xorg.conf from another distribution as by
>> default Ubuntu does not use xorg.conf and installing the proprietary
>> driver in my case did not create one. I also found that using
>> nvidia-xconfig to create an xorg.conf did not work either.
>> I have attached the xorg.conf I am using under ubuntu for reference. 
> I had to use the "Nvidia Xserver settings" app that gets installed along
> with nvidia (look in systems in your applications launcher) to set my
> monitor (by autodetect) and write a new xorg.conf file. Once I did that,
> I'm back in business. 
For me that didn't work because it did not put the necessary modeset
statements into xorg.conf to enable proper resolution/refresh rates for
my monitor, so I had to start with an xorg.conf that I knew did work


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