32- or 64-bit

Eric Lee Elliott linux at ericelliott.us
Tue Aug 24 04:37:05 UTC 2010

Why discard half of new computer by running 32 bit OS?  Having 32 & 64 
bit computers using 32 & 64 bit versions of some Linux distros, I have 
seen plenty of problems, but remember none that were only in 64 bit 
computer.  New software has new bugs for both versions of OS.

Until I see some difficulty using 64 bit Kubuntu or other Linux, I will 
not assume that I should hobble 32 bits of my computer.  Maybe I should 
use a 16 bit version of Linux because normal use is less than 0.8 GB of RAM?

Maybe I should not use 64 bit Linux because 64 bit Windiz has many problems?

If you force 32 bit OS on 64 bit hardware, will it properly execute 
multiple threads concurrently in software?  Will your games & videos suffer?

God Bless You,

Eric Lee Elliott

Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to 
the Father except through me”. John 14

Common sense is not.  NRA Life Member

Linux user #472404

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