32 bit vs 64 bit

David Fletcher dave at thefletchers.net
Mon Aug 23 10:17:48 UTC 2010

On Monday 23 Aug 2010, Paul Lemmons wrote:
> Install 32bit. 64bit offers absolutely nothing to make you want it. It 
> also does not matter how much memory your system has. I am running 32bit 
> Kubuntu on a box with 18GB RAM. Just make sure you are using the PAE 
> kernel. I think it will install it by default but not sure. Almost 
> everything works in 64 bit. Everything works in 32 bit. Until the gap is 
> closed, I suggest you stay 32 bit.
> On 08/22/2010 06:44 PM, William Biggs wrote:

I'm still using 32 bit Hardy. I did try to use the 64 bit installer CD but for 
some reason it wouldn't boot on my PC.

What I would suggest trying, is installing a 64 bit OS, then for anything that 
fails to work properly with 64 bit, use the 32 bit version under virtual box. 
It's easy enough to set up a directory for transfer of data between real and 
virtual machines. With the guest additions installed on the virtual machine, 
just use something like
<all as one line>
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1001,gid=1001 
VirtualMachineTransfer /home/username/ShareMountPoint/
</all as one line>

where you can get the uid and gid numbers for username from /etc/passwd. If 
you're just using an administrator account on the virtual machine these are 
not necessary. I did it like this to find out how it works for ordinary user 
accounts on the VM.


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