getting rid of the tree view of a message

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Aug 17 06:53:57 UTC 2010

On 17/08/2010 15:44, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 17, 2010 01:28:13 am Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 17/08/2010 07:46, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>
> wrote:
>>>> On 17/08/2010 02:54, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>
> wrote:
>>>>>> On 16/08/2010 14:46, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>>>>>>> I just upgraded my family to KDE 4.5.  Now my wife is pretty unhappy.
>>>>>>> Her biggest problem is with kmail.  When she looks at a mail message
>>>>>>> (double click the entry in the message list) is always shows her the
>>>>>>> message structure.  Even worse, the frame showing the structure takes
>>>>>>> up half the window.  She can shrink it to something smaller, but the
>>>>>>> next on she looks at has it back to half the window again.
>>>>>>> Anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it?  Preferably, she
>>>>>>> could make it go away entirely.  She has no interest in that
>>>>>>> structure.  She doesn't care that there is a text body part and an
>>>>>>> HTML body part.  She cares about attachments, but those are displayed
>>>>>>> at the top of the message, too.
>>>>>>> I have to say I agree with her.  That structure pane seems only of
>>>>>>> interest to mail geeks.  Why should anyone care about it?
>>>>>>> Anyway, anyone know how she can get rid of it, or at least make it
>>>>>>> smaller?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>> By "message structure" do you mean the Header of the message (showing
>>>>>> From, To, Subject, etc etc)?
>>>>>> If so, then there should be a setting in kmail' preferences to either
>>>>>> see the "Full View" of the header or to see it in "Normal View - or
>>>>>> words to this effect?
>>>>> No, I mean the part at the bottom of the mail message that tells you
>>>>> what the structure of the MIME mail is.  Often it is a text body, an
>>>>> html body, and some number of attachments.
>>>>> Michael
>>>> I see. You can't left-click, hold, and drag down (or up or sideways,
>>>> whatever) the border(s)?
>>> Yes, I can do that.  But then the next message has them back where
>>> they were.  On my personal kmail they are unobtrusively down at the
>>> bottom, taking up very little room.  And as a geek I don't mind seeing
>>> them there and getting some insight into how mail is structured, but
>>> on my wife's kmail they take up have the message window.  Even I agree
>>> that is intolerable.
>>> Michael
>> OK, getting the picture...
>> Are you both running the same OS and if so have you done a comparison of
>> the settings between the two systems? In line with this, are new
>> messages being opened in the same window or in a separate (new) window?
>> (Just as an aside, I did read somewhere very recently (as in yesteday I
>> think) that kmail has gone the hill rather badly recently and that it is
>> now better to switch over to Thunderbird. Have you considered this?)
>> BC
> Sorry for the delay, I was at work until 1 AM, away from my Kubuntu laptop.
> I am surprised no one so far has mentioned the toggle to enable/disable this:
> View - Show Message Structure - uncheck that
> No need to switch email client just yet :)
> Clay Weber

Well, the comment was not directed at this particular problem but was a 
general observation about kmail's "general health" - which, it seems 
from what I read, is not about to improve. (BTW, I have never used kmail 
so have no interest in it one way or the other.)


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