Application to remind the user to take a break

Wes Hardin wes.hardin at
Thu Aug 5 22:44:42 UTC 2010

On 08/05/2010 06:14 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 > What apps would the Kubuntu community recommend to suggest to the user
 > to take periodic breaks? I was using RSIbreak until recently, but I
 > stopped due to this WONTFIX bug:

How about a combination of ktimer and kdialog?

Ktimer is super simple but fulfills the countdown need well.  I don't know if 
"scheduled" breaks would work for your purposes, but you might be able to 
accomplish what you want with cron too.

Kdialog has a lot of uses and options.  Here's some examples:

kdialog --sorry "Sorry to interrupt, but it's time for a break."

kdialog --passivepopup "Sorry to interrupt, but it's time for a break."

Depends on how disruptive you want it to be.
/* Wes Hardin */

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