Kubuntu KDE 4 Rave

Paul Lemmons paul at lemmons.name
Thu Aug 5 17:21:57 UTC 2010

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> Just setup up a new PC for my wife - MiniITX Atom, passive cooling on the
> motherboard - whisper quiet and easily powerful enough for her needs - email,
> web and card/strategy games.
Did the same thing for my wife about a year ago and she is a convert.
> <snip>
> Dropbox - her documents where already stored on Dropbox, it was trivially easy
> to get that working on Kubuntu. X-Fingers that OpenOffice 3.2 can cope with all
> her Office2000 docs.
Unless she does things that are fancy with Office2000 OpenOffice will 
handle it. I use OO almost exclusively at work and we are a Microsoft 
Office 2000 shop. Calc seems to be better that Writer. Writer weirds out 
if you have a lot of embedded graphics and tables.
> Looking very good so far, hopefully another Linux Convert! Not that my wife
> cares :) just so long as it all works. But much less support headaches for me.
Much less headache! And as an added bonus, no more listening to her 
mutter under her breath deprecations upon the whole of the computing 
industry as she waits for Widows to boot. :)

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