Kubuntu 10.04 How to create an icon on desktop?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 07:10:16 UTC 2010

On 05/08/2010 00:09, Larry Alkoff wrote:
> On 08/04/2010 03:48 PM, Clay Weber wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 04, 2010 05:35:16 pm Larry Alkoff wrote:
>>> On 08/04/2010 03:08 PM, Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, August 04, 2010 04:50:29 pm Larry Alkoff wrote:
>>>>> In previous versions of Kubuntu it was only necessary to right
>>>>> click on the desktop to create an icon with settings in ~/Desktop.
>>>>> I can't seem to do that in 10.04.
>>>>> I'd be grateful if someone told me how to do that.
>>>>> Larry Alkoff
>>>> Drag and drop a menu entry on your desktop.  Just be sure you unlock
>>>> your widgets first or nothing will happen.
>>> Where are menu entries kept?
>> Just drag an item from your K-menu to your desktop
>>> I've never used a widget - how can I tell if they are unlocked?
>> If you drag an item from the kmenu and an icon does not appear, right-click
>> somewhere on your desktop and select 'unlock widgets'
>>> I'm sorry to display my ignorance but I do almost everything from the
>>> command line except clicking on program icons to open them.
>>> Larry
>> You might like to check out krunner (by hitting alt-f2) to open and run
>> programs from there (among other things)
>> http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Krunner
>> Clay
> Thanks for your reply Clay.
> Unfortunately, krunner runs but is mainly a black rectangle with a white
> box in the middle. There are 2 blue rectangles
> on the left side - I have no idea what they do and a ? and X box on the
> right.  The web site seems very promising but I don't understand it yet.
> I have found out how to lock/unlock widets.
> One of the problems I have is the task bar on the bottom is very dark
> and it's hard to see what things are.  I tried to change to Air Panel
> Background and Air Translucent Background but it's still very dark.

This has happened to me on machines with badly supported graphics cards. 
Increase the height of the task bar (right-click on it, Panel Options, 
then Panel Settings, then increase height) and it goes away. As always, 
unlock widgets first. And then lock again as you might otherwise get the 
most weird accidents happening - at least me and the users I support.

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