Kubuntu 10.04 How to create an icon on desktop?

Larry Alkoff labradley at mindspring.com
Wed Aug 4 22:09:32 UTC 2010

On 08/04/2010 03:48 PM, Clay Weber wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 04, 2010 05:35:16 pm Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> On 08/04/2010 03:08 PM, Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, August 04, 2010 04:50:29 pm Larry Alkoff wrote:
>>>> In previous versions of Kubuntu it was only necessary to right
>>>> click on the desktop to create an icon with settings in ~/Desktop.
>>>> I can't seem to do that in 10.04.
>>>> I'd be grateful if someone told me how to do that.
>>>> Larry Alkoff
>>> Drag and drop a menu entry on your desktop.  Just be sure you unlock
>>> your widgets first or nothing will happen.
>> Where are menu entries kept?
> Just drag an item from your K-menu to your desktop
>> I've never used a widget - how can I tell if they are unlocked?
> If you drag an item from the kmenu and an icon does not appear, right-click
> somewhere on your desktop and select 'unlock widgets'
>> I'm sorry to display my ignorance but I do almost everything from the
>> command line except clicking on program icons to open them.
>> Larry
> You might like to check out krunner (by hitting alt-f2) to open and run
> programs from there (among other things)
> http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Krunner
> Clay

Thanks for your reply Clay.

Unfortunately, krunner runs but is mainly a black rectangle with a white 
box in the middle. There are 2 blue rectangles
on the left side - I have no idea what they do and a ? and X box on the 
right.  The web site seems very promising but I don't understand it yet.

I have found out how to lock/unlock widets.

One of the problems I have is the task bar on the bottom is very dark 
and it's hard to see what things are.  I tried to change to Air Panel 
Background and Air Translucent Background but it's still very dark.

10.04 is very different than 8.04 which I used happily for 2 years.

There seems to be very little on the K menu to drag and drop.
Shouldn't a new entry appear on K menu when I load a new program with 


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