Lucid Lynx and grub

Goh Lip g.lip at
Fri Apr 30 21:40:27 UTC 2010

On 05/01/2010 05:27 AM, Tom H wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Mario Andes<multilingus at>  wrote:
>> grub.cfg is produced by update-grub.
>> /etc/default/grub is editable and GRUB_DEFAULT is set by default to the
>> value 'saved'.
>> It's the system I used before with a perfectly working grub.
> Thanks, I know...
> I just want to see whether the correct value is being set in grub.cfg.

Tom, Mario, I'll pass on this one....

Mario, meaning Tom has been much better in handling this type of issue 
and I had been messing up a bit lately, probably lack of sleep.

Thanks, Tom.
Good luck, Mario.

Take care - Goh Lip

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