Impressions of Lucid Beta

Paul S paulatgm at
Mon Apr 19 15:17:51 UTC 2010

O. Sinclair said the following on 04/19/2010 09:46 AM:
> I am also running the beta on 3-4 computers (desktops) by now and can 
> report only one of your issues. However on these I do not use 
> KMail/Kontact. I have disabled both Akonadi and Nepomuk as otherwise you 
> can fall asleep while trying to get anything done on these Intel P4 w 
> 512 Mb RAM. And that is my main gripe - Nepomuk might be great but seems 
> to be a resource hogger.

I have a core 2 duo 1.67 ghz and have the same stuttering / stalling 
that you see.  I have 5 gb ~ and nepomuk wants to create over 600Mb 
index file, so I just shut it off.  I don't see any value in nepomuk vs. 
grep and slocate, personally, so have shut it off.


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