"Grub loading ...Error 18" - HD's not accessible any more. (Kubuntu Karmic/ WinXP)

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Thu Apr 8 12:50:20 UTC 2010

On 04/08/2010 08:32 PM, Bas Roufs wrote:
> Hello Goh-Lip

> Without empty space after "hd0":
> grub>   cat (hd0,1)/etc/lsb-release
> grub>  (here blinkering cursor)
> All this implies that there is some problem at the Kubuntu 9.10 partition.....

Yes, looks like it is indeed. But being the tenacious, (finnish -sisu) 
guys that we are, (actually I forgot to ask you on the last message, 
sorry  :) ), lets try one more search....

search -f /boot/grub/menu.lst

if this appears other than (hd0,1), there's hope. Otherwise, we have to 
reinstall the kubuntu.

If this appears, say on (hd0,5), please do this
ls (hd0,5)/boot/
cat (hd0,5)/etc/lsb-release

If there is none, let's throw in the towel, I mean lets grab another beer.

Take care, Bas.

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