"Grub loading ...Error 18" - HD's not accessible any more. (Kubuntu Karmic/ WinXP)

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 08:18:38 UTC 2010

Hello Goh Lip

Below I walk through your 2 messages of this morning.

> Bas, good to hear you've got a good cdrom.
> Let's get started. There's no need to use livecd. Just the grub-rescue-cd.


> [1]
>> I send to you direct an iso file, named grubstand.iso. Burn iso image on
>> cd and when started up, you'll get to a grub prompt. Always good to
>> check with "search -f /vmlinuz" to get the partition of kubuntu. (note
>> (hd1,1) will be sdb1).
> So when at grub prompt, type
> search -f /vmlinuz

This is the output I get:

grub> searh -f/vmlinuz
error: unknown argument '-/' .

Yesterday I got exactly the same output. That's why, I have used the
live CD to get info about the Kubuntu partitions.

> Note down the output, from your message using live cd, it should be either
> hd1,6   or hd1,7
> NOT hd1,8 as this will be swap
Do I need to change something in this command: "searh -f/vmlinuz"  ..
in order to get the kind of output you are pointing at? However it may
be, we need to find a solution for this error problem before going on
with the grub.cfg file.

Thx., respecfully yours,


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