any way to disable prompt for open tty during shutdown

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Sat Apr 3 07:31:19 UTC 2010

On Saturday 03 April 2010, Steve Morris wrote:
> On 02/04/10 18:25, Alvin wrote:
> > The main problem is not the warning, but the fact that the
> > warning is also there if you have logged out from your tty
> > session.
> I am not sure that this is a Kubuntu issue, I think this is a
> Linux standard/upstream issue in that I believe you get the same
> thing in other linux distributions, in which case raising it
> against Kubuntu is the wrong location.

It's an upstart/init issue. Launchpad is meant for any issues that 
occur in *buntu - if it was only for the software written by 
Canonical/Ubuntu developers, it'd be pretty empty. But since it's 
meant to provide a central place to go to for *buntu problems, 
reporting it there is most certainly the right thing to do. It even 
provides a means to signal the bug's presence in other distros...


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