Kubuntu a dist in crisis?
Ralph DeWitt
ralphdewitt at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Oct 30 15:39:11 UTC 2009
On Friday 30 October 2009 11:17:41 am O. Sinclair wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
> > Steve Lamb wrote:
> >> Chris Jones wrote:
> >>> The bottom line is "each to your own", everyone has their own favorite
> >>> language, and generalized statements about how one is faster to code in
> >>> than the other are nonsense.
> >>
> >> This patently false and easily demonstrable. If it were true why
> >> would we need any of the other languages past assembly? Indeed, why
> >> any new languages, anywhere, at all?
> >
> > You're talking _specifics_, not generalizations. We need high-level
> > languages (in general) because they are easier to code in, but we don't
> > need Python instead of Fortran _for every task_. Some things will be
> > easier to write in one language than another. If we tried to make
> > something that handled _all_ tasks equally well, we'd probably have
> > Assembler :-) So, no, your hypothesis is not only not easily
> > demonstrable, but I think easily disproven - all we have to do is find a
> > single case where any action requires fewer statements in one language
> > than another to show a use where the first language is better; then find
> > a reverse case for the same two languages. And that, of course, only
> > deals with the actual ease of programming - there are still efficiencies
> > to be gained for specific functions written in specific languages (which
> > is why so much of python invokes C behind the curtain).
> Gentlemen, has not this discussion left the topic in question since
> quite some time? If you feel like arguing on about programming languages
> I suggest a separate thread or, better yet, another mailing list for
> that discussion.
Yes we have long left the topic. The original comments had too do with the
lack of feature parodie with ubuntu. What should be discussed is why we are
not keeping up with ubuntu? and What we can do to get up to speed with
ubuntu's custom features? Easy for me to say not being a programmer.
It said Use Windows XP or better, so I installed OpenSUSE 11.0
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