Kubuntu a dist in crisis?

Martin Laberge mlsoftlaberge at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 21:38:28 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 27 October 2009 19:29:53 Derek Broughton wrote:

> Really, you aren't going to get any more developers just because you use 
> Python.  Give me a decent programmer who knows more than two languages (at 
> least one procedural, and one OO), and I will happily put him to work on a 
> project in a language he's never seen before.  Languages are almost 
> unimportant - attitude and methodology is everything.

"Languages are almost unimportant - attitude and methodology is everything."

Everyone, Repeat after me...

"Languages are almost unimportant - attitude and methodology is everything."

and keep it in the best quotes of the month.

If more poeple would understand... 

Martin Laberge
mlsoftlaberge at gmail.com
*** 30 Years of Unix Admin, and now living ***

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