Kubuntu a dist in crisis?

Martin Laberge mlsoftlaberge at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 23:07:46 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 27 October 2009 14:49:21 Chris Jones wrote:
> >> e that is C++.  None.  At all.
> >>
> > This may not be an issue in today's mega-ram, multicore systems, but  
> > what are
> > the differences in resource usages between different languages?
> Interpreted languages like Python etc. will always be less efficient  
> than compiled code. Yes, crappy C/C++ can be slower than well written  
> Python, but if both are well written, C/C++ will always win.
> Chris

You have a good point here.

A kernel would never be written in an interpreted language
Some can be written in interpreted, but not all...

Martin Laberge
mlsoftlaberge at gmail.com
*** 30 Years of Unix Admin, and now living ***

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