no sound on web site's

Bruce MacArthur bmacasuru at
Mon Oct 26 17:46:10 UTC 2009

On Monday 26 October 2009 11:38:51 am William Biggs wrote:
> When I try to watch a video on a web site there no audio . I would 
> to know how to fix it ?
> -- 
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Hello, William --

01 -- Do you have at least one audio speaker?
02 -- Are your speakers actually connected to the computer?
03 -- If they have a switch, is it turned "On"?
04 -- Have you (accidentally?) disabled audio on your browser?
05 -- Exactly what version of Kubuntu are you running?
06 -- What version of KDE are you using?
07 -- Exactly what browser (name and version) are you using?
08 -- What (if any) virtualization are you using?
09 -- Has the audio worked previously?  If so, when (most recently)?
10 -- What hardware and-or software changes have you made?
11 -- Does other audio work on this system?

I admit that some of these questions must seem rather elementary -- or 
even sarcastic.  That is NOT my intent in asking them.  I am trying to 
point out that you have given "us" virtually NO information from which 
to work intelligently -- so what else can be said constructively just 
yet?  If you will supply reasonable and responsible information, I 
suspect that the real experts (and I am NOT one!) can spend their efforts 
on your problem MUCH more productively.  Hope This helps!!!

Bruce   Mac Arthur

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