KMail forwarding. Was: Re: Kubuntu a dist in crisis?
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at
Sat Oct 24 22:15:15 UTC 2009
On Saturday 24 October 2009, Thomas Olsen wrote:
>On 24/10-2009 23:20 Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at> wrote:
>> On Saturday 24 October 2009, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> >> Me too. I have stayed with Kubuntu Hardy and intend to stay put until
>> >> I can see that KDE4 is really sorted out.
>> >
>> >Please test KDE 4.3 and let me know which issues need to be sorted
>> >out. I will help file bugs on them. Thanks.
>> I used to be able to fwd a message in several different modes in kmail,
>> but since the last update, that menu option is empty. But that is on an
>> F10 install, so its off topic here, but...
>In 9.04 with KDE 4.3.2 it's in the toolbar but not in the menu. The subject
>has been mention previously on one of the lists - maybe kdepim-users.
I installed that from the left list, but its as an attachment only, no choice
of doing it inline so that one might add applicable comments. I miss that.
Cheers, Gene
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