Issue with hotkeys

Perry pwhite at
Fri Oct 23 15:49:33 UTC 2009

Le Friday 23 October 2009 16:20:07 Georgi Kourtev, vous avez écrit :
> Dear friends,
> I've got 9.04/KDE 4.2.2 installed to a new machine that uses 2 keyboard
> layouts: US and Bulgarian. The switch between was set for user's
> convenience to the left or the right Ctrl key.
My guess is that as soon as you press the Ctrl key the system changes the 
keyboard, without waiting for A, C or V.
> After setting that though the other functionalities of the Ctrl key
> disappeared - like Ctrl+A for 'select all', or Ctrl+C for 'copy', Ctrl+V
> for 'paste', etc.
> How can I solve this?  Thanks.
Try to find another convenient set of combinations for Ctrl, Alt, Shift and a 
letter that is unused or for which you won't miss the previous action.
> gk

HTH		Perry

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