
Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Oct 23 09:02:01 UTC 2009

2009/10/23 Bill vance <faptagon at>
> Howdy folks;
> I'm trying to get smtp authentication working for mutt, but I'm having a little difficulty with the
> ambifuities in the muttrc manpage example.  What it shows is:
>    smtp_url
>    smtp[s]://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/
> Near as I can figure, the, "[]", characters aren't supposed to be in the actual variable used.
> Aside from that, what is the, "[s]", supposed to be?  Also, what is, "port", supposed to be?
> Is anything else needed to get this working?
> Thanks in advance.
> Bill


The [] characters usually mean that whats inside the brackets is
optional so it all depends on how you need to write the URL to access
the SMTP server? It could be
"smtps://" if you need to specify
user/password and a portnumber or just smtp:// if no
user is needed. It should be documented in the papers from your ISP.

SMTPS is SMTP over SSL check your /etc/services file.
$ grep smtp /etc/services
smtp            25/tcp          mail
ssmtp           465/tcp         smtps           # SMTP over SSL

/ Jonas

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