Kubuntu buggy - OpenOffice and Kde WiFi detector/manager.

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Wed Oct 14 16:06:30 UTC 2009

Juan Marcelo Rodríguez wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I solved partially the bug of hpet by using hpet=disable en grub
> options in /etc/defaults/grub.
> Now I'm getting two problems. The first is that when I try to Save As
> in OpenOffice Writer, I don't see the text labels in the Save As menu.
> There are three check boxes, and the text for them isn't visible.
> Then, I'm getting a second ( worse ) bug with the Kde WiFi manager.
> When I login, the widget at the task bar identifies all the WiFi
> connections, but I'm able to connect just to the ones without
> encryption/security.
> I'm able to connect to open non-protected networks, but I'm not able
> to connect to the majority of them that are protected. The wifi card
> works perfectly, and even it works with encrypted connections in other
> OS.

This has been a long standing problem with Kde WiFi manager. What version of Kubuntu are you using?

> The card uses the broadcom driver. Also, when I use :
> $ iwlist scan
> lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.
> eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.
> eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning.
> It doesn't recognize the available networks. However the kde applet
> does, but it doesn't connect to password protected networks.

You have to use 'sudo iwlist scan'

> Any clues or ideas?.
> Juan



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