Scanning app 'vuescan' for Linux - has anyone installed/used it?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Oct 14 15:12:52 UTC 2009

john d. herron wrote:
> john at john-desktop:~$ ls VueScan
> lan_ar.txt  lan_et.txt  lan_it.txt  lan_pt.txt  lan_tl.txt  vuescan
> Attempting to launch 'vuescan' from a "run command" box yields...
> nothing. Trying to run it from the bash console ($
> /home/john/VueScan/vuescan) yields an "unknown command" message.

Is the file executable? Try "ls -l /home/john/VueScan/vuescan" and the 
result should be something like this:

-rwxr-x--- 1 john john     3643 Oct  6 23:10 /home/john/VueScan/vuescan
   ^ this "x" is the important bit which tells you it is executable. If 
it isn't executable, try the command

chmod +x /home/john/VueScan/vuescan

and then start the application again.

> Kay, do you think there might be any purpose to moving the VueScan
> folder from /home/john to /opt?

While I'm not Kay, I don't think that moving the directory would help. 
The /opt directory isn't in any way more special than your home 


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