Is there some trick installing a .exe file using wine, for, Kubuntu 8.04 (Brian Norman Wootton)

Brian Norman Wootton Brian.Meg at
Mon Oct 12 12:38:47 UTC 2009

> > I've exported the 'running' picture it.exe from my vista and run it past
> > wine, but I got
> > so many missing dependencies that I gave up. Is this worth following up.

Depend on how badly you want it to run in linux. I think you should
install it in linux first before exported the 'running' picture it.exe
from your vista.What is the error when you tried to install it in
linux? Remember to map the cd rom drive in wine.


Sorry, I wasn't clear, I first copied the executable 'Picture It' from my vista machine
to my linux machine and then wined it. I forget entirely what the errors and missing
dependencies were - most of them I think were due to missing vista libraries which
there wasn't much I could do about I thought. If you can't proceed from the installation
disc setup.exe, I think we should forget it - Gimp is OK for me.

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