Just made the switch to Jaunty

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 12 00:43:34 UTC 2009

Mark Greenwood wrote:
> On Sunday 11 Oct 2009 20:18:45 Paul Rumelhart wrote:
>> 3) When I boot up, my login screen is at 1920x1200, which for my card 
>> means that I have to pan around in a 1680x1050 window.  I have gone into 
>> the system settings and set the display to be 1680x1050, but it shows 
>> that in a pan-able 1920x1200 window - which is not what I want.  How do 
>> I get the initial login screen to start at 1680x1050, or at least have 
>> KDE switch to 1680x1050 when it comes up?  I can go into Desktop 
>> settings after I've logged in and change the refresh rate and have it 
>> set the resolution correctly (it already thinks it's at 1680x1050, so I 
>> have to change something to get the update button to show up).
> Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add
> Section "Monitor"
>         Identifier      "Configured Monitor"
>         Option "PreferredMode" "1680x1050"
> EndSection
> The section will probably already exist, it's only the PreferredMode line you should need to add.

That worked great.  Thank you.

>> 1) Is there a plasma widget that will show the amount of memory that is 
>> being used?  I found one for CPU and network activity, but haven't seen 
>> a memory one.
> plasma-widget-memusage
> or possibly
> plasma-widgets-addons might contain one. 

I installed plasma-widget-memusage, and it works for me.  I looked for 
plasma-widgets-addons, but couldn't find it.  I did find a 
kdeplasma-addons, but it didn't have a ram component that I could see. 

I also "solved" my problem where gnome-terminal was starting me in the 
Documents directory by dragging the icon onto the desktop and then 
configuring it to start in my home directory.  I'll have to do the same 
with gvim, too, I think.  I didn't find anything in gnome that looked 
like it would configure that, but I didn't see a lot of configuration 


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