Just made the switch to Jaunty

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 11 20:21:27 UTC 2009

Muzer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Paul Rumelhart wrote:
>> Yeah, I know I'm a little behind the curve. 
>> So far, I'm liking KDE4.  I didn't think that would be the case, which 
>> is why I waited so long.  I have a couple of questions so far, though:
>> 1) Is there a plasma widget that will show the amount of memory that is 
>> being used?  I found one for CPU and network activity, but haven't seen 
>> a memory one.
> Sorry, I mean the System Monitor - RAM.

That's strange.  It doesn't show up on my list of widgets.  I see the 
main System Monitor, which has temperature, CPU,  hardware info, 
network, and disk space, but no RAM.  I also see all of those 
individually, but no RAM component.  Are you on Jaunty?  Maybe they 
added it in the next version or something.


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