grub error 18

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Sun Oct 11 13:26:04 UTC 2009

Goh Lip wrote:
> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>> Goh Lip wrote:
>>>  > Reinstall jaunty, create a /boot partition not more than 150 Mb in 
>>> the *first* partition and install boot there.
>> That would have been the first thing I did if grub had immediately given 
>> me a problem after initial installation. Unfortunately for me, the Linux 
>> kernel somehow got things sane so you cannot tell from warm reboots. So 
>> yeah, most probably the BIOS is buggy. /me wonders if you can shrink to 
>> the end of the partition and not the beginning.
> Okay, it's better to put boot into first partition especially for older 
> Bios.  the LVM 1024 cylinder thingy. Just a precaution.
1024 cylinder thingy whether CHS/LBA/LARGE addressing. One cannot resize 
ext3 filesystems with parted...not with ext_attr feature enabled. 
Reinstalled from scratch. Saga over.

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